Here are some of the benefits for signing up with our website to join our community.

Consider signing up for a free account on our website to become a part of our community. It's easy to sign up, all you need is an email address or mobile number that can receive text messages. Although you can still use our website as a guest, creating a free account has many benefits. Check out the comparison below:

Garage Sale & Community Event Postings

Member Guest
Postings are immediately published to the public. Postings will NOT be published until reviewed by our team (can take upto 48 hours but usually within an hour).
Can upload up to 50 pictures for each posting. Only 1 picture permitted for each posting.
Postings are listed above/before guest's postings. Postings are listed below/after member's postings.
Posting can be saved as a draft and can be modified until ready to publish without time limitation. Any work in progress posting will not be saved if not published within limited time frame.
Published posting can be modified at any time. Published postings cannot be modified.
Can "bump" their postings to the top of the list every 24 hours. Did we mention that the guest user cannot change any content once posted?
Can save specific cities as a designated filter. Filtered cities will not be saved.
Can post comments in the Blog section and any report/request will take precedence over guest's. Cannot post comments and any report/request will be secondary to member's.
Can post about garage sales without a limit. If you see a garage sale in action or a poster/flyer then you can share here! Can post only 1 garage sale and cannot post another until preceding post is published.
Take advantage of the "members-only" features which we will add in the future. Will miss out on any "members-only" benefits and offers.
